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ASJA Writers Conference offers impressive author programming

Looking for a great conference for authors this spring? Don’t miss the American Society of Journalists and Authors 43rd Annual Writers Conference in New York City April 24-26.

Full disclosure: I’m presenting about affordable marketing on members day and I’m on the ASJA board of directors, so it’s no surprise that I recommend this event. But really, I go every year for three reasons:

  1. I always meet new and awesome writers that I stay in touch with.
  2. I catch up with awesome writers I’ve met at past ASJA conferences.
  3. I always get enough “Ahas!” and “Ohhhh, that’s how you do that!” to make it worth the trip.

Sessions for authors

If you’re serious about finishing that book and then telling the world about it, you will certainly appreciate the programming. I was surprised by how many sessions are dedicated to authorship this year. Here are many of them with links to their descriptions, but there are more, too:

Just so you know . . . the content skews toward nonfiction writers. There are a few sessions dedicated to fiction, including “Writing Short Stories for Love (and Occasionally Money),” and there’s lots you can learn in the panels on book marketing that you can apply to fiction, but don’t expect a fiction-centric event.

Will I see you there? I hope so!

What’s your favorite conference for authors — and why? Please comment.

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  1. Thanks for invaluable tips, esp for the newbie. my book The Circles of- anushka’s – life goes live in few weeks and tips are always appreciated, like the one of press Kit.
    Great ideas

    A short article from my book has been published here http://kehilalinks.jewishgen.org/odessa/sto_skulski.asp

    Few libraries contacted me to get a copy and I am humbled by good feedbacks from the raders who were looking for their family roots too!

    I would love to have your feedback too!
    Thanks and happy spring!


  2. Writers Conferences are great places for meeting other writers, agents and publishers (although the last two are usually very thin on the ground). These events present a good chance to socialist with people and pick up hints on who are the best agents and publishers in your given genre, and generally to network.

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