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19 of the best podcasts for authors and writers

Have you discovered the many podcasts for authors and writers yet?

Whether you’re interested in craft, publishing, or marketing or just want to listen to writers talking about writing, you’ll find a podcast that hits your sweet spot.

And for those who would rather read than listen, some podcasters even offer transcripts.

I’ve compiled this list of 19 of the best as a starting point for you. Try sampling a few; you might even get hooked.

For the sake of consistency, each link goes to the podcast’s iTunes page. I did that so you could easily see a list of recent episodes and topics.

Some of the podcasts have “show notes” for each episode; I’ve linked to those when they’re available, too. (At the website, click on the episode title to get the show notes.) Show notes are often an episode recap and links to resources and other specifics mentioned during the show. If there’s a transcript, you’ll find it in the show notes.

Here they are in alphabetical order.

1. 10-Minute Writer’s Workshop

On this program from New Hampshire Public Radio, writers reveal what it really takes to get pen to paper.

2. Authority Self Publishing

Three marketing types discuss Amazon Kindle publishing strategies and offer a variety of marketing tactics you can use to expand your book-based business.

Show notes

3. Books on the Nightstand

Two publishing industry veterans talk all things books —  what’s new, what’s great, and which ones they can’t stop talking about (and why).

podcasts for authors and writers 34. Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing

This extension of the popular Grammar Girl website provides short, friendly tips to improve your writing.

5. Helping Writers Become Authors

Best-selling author K.M. Weiland  offers help with summoning inspiration, crafting solid characters, outlining and structuring novels, and polishing prose.

6. I Should Be Writing

Winner of the Podcast Peer Award and the Parsec Award, this is a show about a writer going from wanna-be to pro. It focuses on the emotional road blocks in a writing career

7. Longform Podcast

Co-produced by Longform and The Atavist, this one’s a  weekly conversation with a non-fiction writer about how they got their start and how they tell stories.

Show notes

8. The New Yorker: Fiction

Deborah Treisman, fiction editor of The New Yorker, invites an author to select and read a piece of fiction published in The New Yorker. The two then discuss the selection.

9. Novel Marketing

Would you rather be writing more fiction than promoting? The goal of this show is to make book promotion fun and easy.

Show notes

10. Real Fast Results Podcast

While not strictly for authors and writers, this podcast focuses on business tasks you need to master, including marketing strategies and list building with an emphasis on little-known but effective tactics. (Listen to my episode about marketing your book without using social media.)

Show notes

podcasts for authors and writers 411. Publishing Profits Podcast

Author and publisher Tom Corson Knowles interviews  authors who are self , indie , and traditionally published to find out what’s working.

Show notes

12. Self Publishing Formula

A best selling self-published author and a first timer explore the world of self publishing with a focus on actionable tips for new and experienced indie authors.

Show notes

13. Sell More Books Show

Jim Kukral and Bryan Cohen help you discover the latest book marketing and publishing news, tools and strategies.

Show notes

14. The Narrative Breakdown

This  creative writing and screenwriting podcast hosted by Cheryl Klein, James Monohan, and other guest co-hosts. They discuss storytelling tips and techniques of interest to any writer, student, or fan of quality creative writing, screenwriting, playwriting, fan fiction, English literature, and so on.

Show notes

15. The Self Publishing Podcast

Three full-time authors explore everything related to getting your writing published and making money doing it using “authorpreneurial” strategies.

Show notes

podcasts for authors and writers 516. The Smarty Pants Book Marketing Podcast

This podcast from Chris Syme focuses on how to sell more books and build loyal fans with social media. Chris is joined by bestselling indie author Becca Syme; together they talk to successful self-published authors and book marketing experts every week. (Listen to my episode about how to build buzz for your book.)

Show notes

17. Writer 2.0

Hosted by A.C. Fuller, a former adjunct professor of journalism at NYU, this show uses interviews with authors, journalists, and publishing experts to cover writing, books, and the publishing industry.

18. Writing Excuses

Weekly episodes vary in length from 15 to 25 minutes. The seven hosts’ goal is to help listeners become better writers, whether they write for fun or profit.

Show notes

19. Writing for Children

Bestselling children’s author Katie Davis, director of the Institute of Children’s Literature, focuses on the craft of writing for children: how to write a children’s book, how to write for children’s magazines, how to get paid, and get published.

Show notes

Do you have favorite podcasts for authors and writers? Please provide the names in a comment. Thanks!

Tip of the Month

podcasts for authors and writers 2I always share a “Tip of the Month,” a free resource or tool for authors, on the last Wednesday of the month.

Are you using the “Freebooksy” Author Marketing App on your Facebook author Page yet?

It’s a free add-on that lets you add a one-click “buy now” button so fans can purchase your book from Amazon or any other site you choose. It sits in the left toolbar of your Page; when visitors click on it, they see your author profile, your books, and any signings you have scheduled.

It even lets people join your mailing list or read a free chapter.

Learn more at the Freebooksy website.

Subscribe to the free Build Book Buzz newsletter and get the free special report, “Top 5 Free Book Promotion Resources,” immediately!

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  1. There are undoubtedly many ways to learn, Most writers settle on what they consider best for them, and I agree mostly. The people who are most likely to contribute, are not the best people to learn from. Learning to accept the way writers write books on writing write is a good way to learn.

    1. Yes, people learn in different ways, Merlin. Some read, some listen, some watch. Do you listen to podcasts at all?


  2. I desire to ‘learn the ropes’ of how to write a good book. I attend free seminars from people who struggled and eventually hit the big time, such as Jack Canfield. I attended Steve Harrison’s seminars to get the inside scoop on various marketing opportunities. I sent out sample chapters to editors for their review, and most of the time they were almost as harsh as my Hall-of-Fame football coach! Everyone of us needs to be a Lifetime Student, with an ever-lasting thirst for correct knowledge to catapult above mediocrity.

    1. Barb, each podcast link takes you to the list of episodes in iTunes. You can’t listen to them at the link, though — you can only listen on iTunes software on your computer or with the podcast app on an iPhone or iPad. (I use the app on my phone.) Some of the podcasts have their own websites with an episode archive so you can listen on their sites there without an app, though. You can click on the “show notes” link where it’s included here to get to the show websites or Google the podcast name to get to the site.


  3. Thanks for this great list Sandy. I’ve listened to selected episodes of a few of them, but none of them regularly yet. I prefer the ones that keep it 30 minutes or shorter and focus on a specific issue in an episode.

    1. Flora, do you listen to any that aren’t work-related? I got hooked on the second season of Serial — loved it.


  4. I’ve loved listening to podcasts for years. You included several of the podcast I already listen to and you listed some new ones to check out, so thanks!

    One that I’ve been listening that’s not on your list is the Stroy Grid podcast. It’s a fascinating podcast by an editor and a first-time novelist.

    And shameless plug here, but I have my own podcast where I interview bestselling authors of thrillers, mystery, and suspense books.

    It’s called Meet the Thriller Author. Hope you check it out:

    1. Thanks, Alan! I’ll definitely check out Story Grid and Meet the Thriller Author — I appreciate learning about both of them and I’m sure others do, too.


    1. Thanks for these, Peggy! I appreciate the additions! (And thanks for sharing it the list, too — I hope it helps your awesome members.)


  5. You missed #amwriting (pronounced “hash-tag-am-writing). I really enjoy that podcast a lot. It’s with KJ Dell’Antonia (formerly the editor of the NYT’s Motherlode section) and Jessica Lahey.

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