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70 quick tips that will boost your author blog

Our guest blogger today is Federica Auletta, a communications assistant at Market Inspector, a business-to-business digital marketplace for businesses and institutions in Europe. The company makes it possible for businesses to compare quotes and offers from different suppliers. The article and helpful infographic that follows provide useful information for author bloggers with a wide range of experience. 

70 quick tips that will boost your author blog

By Federica Auletta

Any author can blog, but only a lucky few are successful at it. As a matter of fact, there are hundreds of millions of blogs available on the web, but the majority of internauts know only about a handful.

With that in mind, you might wonder how some bloggers drive tons of traffic to the blog on their website. Market Inspector has created an infographic (below) with 70 proven tips to help authors like you start or promote a successful blog on your site.

What to work on?

1. Search engine optimization – SEO

There are likely several key factors that influence a website’s search result rankings. No one is fully aware of how browsers classify pages, since these algorithms are kept a secret.

What is certain, though, is that some criteria have been identified: blog updates, the use of links, content relevancy, spam level, and domain authority are just some of the specifics that help optimize a page.

2. Attitude

Even behind a monitor, a personal approach always matters. The first rule for effective blogging is commitment. Perseverance and expertise are keywords when it comes to starting or managing a blog.

It’s important that the blog page is updated with unique content at least once a week. You want readers to anticipate your posts, so the only way to gain more traffic, better visibility, and returning visitors is to be a consistent blogger.

3. Content

Certainly, what mostly affects the performance of a page is that the content is not only engaging for your readers, but also for search browsers. This being said, the content provided has to be high-quality, unique, and innovative.

This is particularly true for authors, who should be using a blog to showcase their writing ability.

In addition, text length and keyword density make content relevant. Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears on a web page compared to the total number of words on the page. The keyword should also be included in the title and headings to make it even more significant.

4. Target

Identifying an audience for your blog or article must be a priority even before you start writing. Therefore, start by collecting information about the questions people are asking and what answers they are looking for from someone like you.

To retain readers’ attention, it is essential to think like them and to catch their interest. This can be done by providing richer content than your competitors and by meeting the target audience’s needs.

5. Layout

Content is king, but how it looks counts as well. Both the layout of the blog and the posts themselves affect the final outcome. A clear layout, an easy-to-read font, and an appropriate balance of images is always important.

Concerning the text, the use of boldfacing, lists, numbers, and spacing always helps give the eyes a break from condensed paragraphs. A good layout is not only visually pleasant, but is also more appealing to read since it targets the right side of our brain – the creative side.

6. Network

Spreading the message is the last phase of the author blog-building process. At this point, it’s important to be current by creating a page for your blog on every social media site. Social media platforms are certainly related to online marketing, and therefore are important even for blogs.

Share groundbreaking articles. This will help your post spread more quickly, which, in turn, will help you develop a larger network of readers.

The comprehensive infographic below offers 70 helpful tips for making certain that your author blog takes off, whether you’re just starting out or have been blogging for some time. Set a schedule to implement them over time, starting with the easier ones first, and watch your blog soar!

Which tip from this list will you act on first? Share it in a comment below. 

boost your author blog

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  1. Wow, great information. I’ve let my blog slide and I haven’t been too motivated to get it going again. Your post has challenged me to get on it. Your tips have also given me ideas for generating more traffic and providing better, more appealing visual content. Thank you. 🙂

    1. So glad you like Federica’s tips, Kathy! There’s something for everybody here.


  2. LOVE the infographic and tips, Sandy and Frederica! Super idea and more do-able to think of them as a rolling implementation for top strategies over time. I’m starting my third year of blogging and want my blog to grow even more. It helps to establish a metric by which to track progress b/c some days, I do not feel I’m making the strides I want.

    1. Thanks, Cat! I see it the same way — prioritize the options and implement slowly as you get the time.

      I’m glad it was helpful!


  3. Excellent post, information and infographic! Hopefully, I’m doing things correctly. Will analyze your main points as a check. Thank you for taking the time to put this together.

  4. This was a lot of tips and I printed out the infographic.
    This is a good tip sheet to have as a reminder.

    Have to ask: What’s an internaut? I hadn’t heard that term before.

    Thanks a lot!!!

    1. It’s slang for internet user, Shirley.

      You’re welcome! I’m glad Federica could help us out.


  5. This is quite informative. Although my blog works as my website’s marketing tool, I believe that these are valuable insights on how to enhance the blog’s authority and consequently my website’s presence.

    Marketing is essential for all freelancers and any tip on how to make the marketing efforts more effective comes in handy. Looking forward to implementing your ideas.


    1. Thanks, Carl. I think most authors use their blogs as a marketing tool, too. I’m glad you found Federica’s material helpful.


  6. This is so helpful – thank you! I’ve been shying away from blogging because I’ve been unsure about how to make it work for me. After reading this I will give my blog a total re-think. Thanks again.

  7. Very informative article. From today i cease to ignore blogging as a source of traffic for my website. Kindly let me know what you mean by high quality content?

    1. It’s well-written and shows that the writer knows enough about the topic to write about it with authority. It isn’t superficial. It’s useful.


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