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Easy author hack for more book reviews

One of my favorite marketing strategies is pretty simple: Study what successful people are doing and copy them.

Authors can do this with the best-selling or well-known authors in their genre or category, too.

That’s the approach behind today’s hack for getting more book reviews. This one focuses specifically on getting book reviews on blogs.

It will take you seconds — literally seconds — to find bloggers who review books just like yours.

Here’s a short, 2.5-minute video showing you how to do it.

Loose transcript for getting more book reviews video

You’ll get more out of this if you watch the short video, but here’s a loose transcript:

  • Here’s a quick and easy author hack for finding more blogs that review books in your genre or category.
  • It starts with Google. I’ll show you an example for both fiction and nonfiction.
  • Type the name of a popular author in your genre or category plus “book review” into the search box.
  • You’ll get a list of bloggers that reviewed that author’s books.
  • (I go through this process for a romance novelist and a business book author.)
  • These bloggers might review your book, too.

More ways to find reviewers

readers who review booksThere are many other ways to snag those essential reader reviews, too. They include using social media and paid services.

For a list of resources you can use to secure reviews, download my free report, 9 places to look for readers who write reviews,” here.

How do you get reviews for your books? What’s working for you right now? Share your best tip in a comment! 

Subscribe to the free Build Book Buzz newsletter and get the free special report, “Top 5 Free Book Promotion Resources,” immediately!

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  1. Thanks a million! This is sound advice, and I certainly will use it when the time comes. First. to get my book published, he, he.

    Good luck to you and all your followers.

    1. Thanks, C.E. Good luck finishing the book. Try to find time to learn how to market it before it’s done — you’ll be glad you did.


  2. Dear Sandra,
    This is a useful tip. I immediately plugged in the name of an author I know with “book review” into a Google search and the top result was so specifically focused to my target audience: a publication catering to Jews in Philadelphia!
    My question is, what are the best words to use to get them to review my book? I don’t think I should be saying “you reviewed Mme. X’s book, perhaps you’d be interested in mine.” Do you have advice on your blog?

    1. Billie, this is the type of email I send.

      Dear [REVIEWER’S NAME],

      I found [REVIEWER’S WEBSITE URL] while searching Google for book review sites.

      Would you be interested in writing a review for [BOOK TITLE]?


      This is the URL for its official page: [URL OR LINK TO SALES PAGE]

      If you’re interested, I can send you a copy in [AVAILABLE FORMATS (mobi, epub, PDF, RTF, etc.)] format.

      Thanks for considering my request, and [MESSAGE APPROPRIATE TO THE REVIEWER’S INTERESTS].



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