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Get paid to promote your book or blog

I earned more as an author when I was a paid freelance media spokesperson than nearly any year since.

Businesses that included RCA and the Soap & Detergent Association (SDA) paid me to be the “face” of their brands in product publicity campaigns.

Both had messages they wanted to get to a mainstream audience — for RCA, those messages related to new remote control technology and for the SDA, they revolved around using cleaning products properly.

As the author of the humorous WHY CAN’T A MAN BE MORE LIKE A WOMAN?, I had a reputation for bringing a light-hearted touch to the gender wars. Because the publicity campaigns of both businesses were built around gender differences, I was hired to bring a little help and humor to what can be a touchy subject.

For RCA, I offered advice on how to make certain that TV viewing habits didn’t damage relationships while sharing information about how new technology would reduce the remote control wars. For the SDA, I provided specifics about the importance of reading cleaning products labels while discussing how to get help with the housework.

Their PR firms got me interviews with media outlets around the country, including the “CBS Early Show” (here’s the transcript), The New York Times, many other newspapers and magazines, and countless morning drive-time radio talk shows. I benefited from free media training and, of course, the exposure for my (now sold out!) humor book.

You can do it, too

Would you like an opportunity like this, too — to earn way more than you might imagine from your book while it receives national media exposure?

Whether you write about romance, food, relationships, technology, beverages, health and fitness, parenting, money matters, autos, or other interesting topics, I want to help you earn more than you ever would imagine from your book!

I’m hosting a teleseminar on the topic on Tuesday, November 27, 2012. Get Paid to Promote Your Book or Blog: How to Become a Freelance Media Spokesperson features Deb Durham of SPOKESPERSONS PLUS NETWORK® and So You Want to Become a Spokesperson, who will share specifics (including how much you can expect to earn) during our 75-minute conversation.

Deb helps consumer brands find just the right expert for their publicity campaigns while she teaches authors, bloggers, and others how to attract, find, and secure these plum projects.

Could you be one of the experts in her database? This teleseminar could open the door for you to highly lucrative freelance work representing consumer brands in interviews and presentations. It’s the “short course” for anyone who sees the potential in this work (and there’s a lot of potential).

Picture yourself in the media spotlight

If you can see yourself being interviewed by the press all over the country about your book’s topic, you’ll want to register for this teleseminar. (It will be recorded; everyone who registers will be able to download the recording the next day.)

There are many opportunities out there for authors and bloggers. Learn what they are and how you can attract these fun and lucrative assignments by registering now for Get Paid to Promote Your Book or Blog: How to Become a Freelance Media Spokesperson so you don’t miss out. The event is filling up quickly, so register now to make sure you don’t miss out.

What questions do you want answered during this teleseminar? I’ll make sure they’re on my list for Deb Durham.

Subscribe to the free Build Book Buzz newsletter and get the free special report, “Top 5 Free Book Promotion Resources,” immediately!

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  1. I am a Pet Blogger who does both Canine Book and Film Reviews at the blog. It is a niche i am carving out for myself, along with the standard Product Reviews. I have reviewed films for Disney (Spooky Buddies, FRANKENWEENIE, Santa Paws 2 The Santa Pups) as well as indie film Letting Go..a Jake Torem Film. For Books we have reviewed The Bedtime Book For Dogs by Bruce Littlefield and Wallace by Jim Gorant. Upcoming is a review of the book Things Your Dog Doesn’t Want You To Know by Hy Conrad & Jeff Johnson.
    ChazzTheDog loves both a good book and an exciting dog themed movie!! Could we use your event to learn more for what we do?



    1. The teleseminar will help you determine if you could be a freelance media spokesperson for a consumer brand or product. In your case, that might be a dog food brand, a pet toy line, or some other pet products category. So…it won’t help you learn more about what you’re doing, but it will help you learn if you can leverage what you’re doing to earn more from it. Make sense? Just let me know if you have other questions — feel free to e-mail me at sbATbuildbookbuzz.com.

      Thanks for stopping by and asking!


  2. Very intriguing, Sandy! Looks like a great opportunity to listen to and connect with someone on the ‘inside’ of the spokesperson circle. I’ve got a lot on my plate already…don’t know that I should pile more on. 😉

    1. You’ve described it perfectly, Vivian. Yes, you’ve got a lot going on, and it’s all good! You’ve accomplished so much! Feel free to share the information with anyone you think would be interested. Not enough authors & bloggers know about spokesperson opportunities.

      Happy Thanksgiving, my friend! I hope it’s a special day for you and your family.


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