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Guest blogging on book promotion and e-mail lists

guest bookI hope you’ll take time today to visit the two excellent author sites where I’m a guest blogger this week.

Getting found

The first is the Be Your Own Book Doctor site run by my friend Jennifer Lawler, who wrote a fantastic three-part series on promoting romance novels for this blog. I returned the favor by writing a guest post for Jennifer on the “Top 3 reasons why nobody knows about your book.” Maybe it will trigger a light bulb over your head!

This isn’t my only collaboration with Jennifer. I’ll write more about what else we’re working on together next week.

Authors and e-mail lists

I also wrote about “The what, why, and how of e-mail lists for authors” on the Pubslush blog. This is a topic that all authors need to care about, but even if you don’t, check out that blog. It is one of the coolest-looking sites I’ve ever seen. I just love that lined paper look. (But my life-sized mug shot kind of freaks me out . . . .)

Justine Schofield of Pubslush also wrote an incredibly helpful post for us here, “7 ways to conduct a successful crowdfunding campaign,” earlier this year. If crowdfunding is an option for you, you’ll definitely want to follow her advice.

Guest blogging tips

If you’re thinking about offering to write guest blog posts for sites that serve your book’s target audience, consider reading my post here, “How to be a great guest blogger.” Be sure to read the comments for additional tips, too.

If you write a blog for authors, I’d love to contribute a guest post. Do you have an author marketing success story to share here? I’d love to hear from you. Just send me a note!

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One Comment

  1. Hello,
    I am a former elementary school teacher. I currently work in Pediatrics as a Physician Assistant. I have written a Math based children’s picture book – Where Has Polly Gone? The main character has ADHD and the book focuses on how she conquers a specific struggle. One of my greatest wishes for the book is to promote ADHD awareness, allow a child/adult with ADHD to have a character that can identify with them, and teach students about polygons!

    I would love to share my book my book with you or just have you stop by my Facebook/Twitter page [Where Has Polly Gone?].

    Lisa Service

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