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Self-published entrepreneur thanks Glenn Beck for Kindle best seller status

Kindle best seller Srinivas Rao admitted in a business podcast recently that his latest self-published book, The Art of Being Unmistakable: A Collection of Essays About Making a Dent in The Universe, was languishing until it got an unexpected boost from publicity.

Rao told interviewer Pat Flynn that  he had sold a few hundred copies of his book early on but one day, when checking his Amazon page, he noticed something new.

“I saw it was #1 in Entrepreneurship,” he said. “I was like, ‘Oh, cool!’ so I tweeted about it. Some guy replied back saying, ‘Hey, you might want to thank Glenn Beck! He raved about your book on his show.’ ”

Rao sold 1,000 copies the day Beck mentioned the book and later, after appearing on Beck’s national show, he sold 10,000 copies in one week.

Imagine that!

Publicity power

This shows you the power of publicity. Get a positive mention by a powerful media personality with a huge fan base, and your book sales will take off.

But how do you get that kind of priceless media exposure? I can teach you how.

It starts with a good book, of course. (Read more about why quality counts here.)

Then you have to know how to catch the attention of the journalist or media outlet.

You can do it!

This is one of the skills I teach in the three “Book Publicity 101: How to Build Book Buzz Premium E-courses” (traditionally published nonfiction, self-published nonfiction, and fiction) I’m offering again February 3-28, 2014.

If you need to learn how to get the media buzzing about your book (and if you need to learn how to use social media effectively, rock it on Amazon, plan a virtual book tour, get speaking gigs, and do lots of other things to publicize, promote, and market your book), register for this course now, before the price goes up in 2014.

Get everything you need to know at these links:

Then start thinking about what you’ll wear for your first big TV appearance.

Did you get media attention for your book? Tell us about it in a comment!

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  1. Thankyou! Bought this fabulous sounding book straight away. The title and cover image are so brilliant – to die for. This book immediately resonated with me, can’t believe it just popped in my inbox as I am feeling bit daunted on book publicity, my first book was published a few weeks ago.
    Thankyou for your abundant, wonderful, practical marketing advice!

    1. I’m so glad it was helpful, Rose! Thanks so much for that feedback.

      Feel free to share the link to this post with your networks if you think it will inspire others.


  2. I’ve gotten media attention in the past, but have slowed way down on it since moving to a remote area. I need to break my mind out of the “remote” box and reach beyond this region. I have had newspaper, radio, and TV coverage, all in an age before the internet was operating and before I moved to an area with a population density of 2 people per square mile. Okay, maybe it’s not that sparse, but it feels like it. 🙂

    1. Donna, if the audience for your book isn’t just local or regional, you will definitely want to think beyond your home geography. You can get global attention for your book no matter where you live.


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