4 reasons to embrace guest blogging

When writing coach Nina Amir invited me to write a guest post for her blog, I was flattered and excited.

I view guest blogging, e-mail Q&As that are published on blogs, recorded Zoom and Skype interviews, and other invitations that fall out of the internet and land in my inbox as bonus opportunities for information sharing.I realize, though, that not everybody sees it that way.

Writing a guest post or answering questions for someone else’s blog takes time — and time can be hard to come by.

Guest blogging goes both ways

That applies whether you’re writing for someone else’s site, or you’re inviting a person to write for your site.

In the same way that you might hesitate to write for another site, you might be reluctant to ask someone to make that same commitment to you.

But guest blogging — whether you’re contributing to someone else’s blog or inviting them to contribute to yours — is a powerful book marketing tactic. Here are four reasons why:

1. You will reach people you might not reach on your own.

When you contribute information to someone else’s blog, you’re sharing your message with people in your target audience who might not know about you.

If there’s overlap with some of your other marketing efforts — for example, if some of the people who read that blog also follow you on Twitter and Pinterest — all the better. That boosts your credibility while you get the benefit of message repetition.

2. The person who contributes to your blog will bring their fan base to your site.

When you invite another author to write a guest post or do a Q&A on your blog, the people in that person’s network will follow that author to your site. They’ll learn more about you and possibly become fans of yours, too.

That’s a real two-fer — you get content for your blog that you don’t have to create while you help expand your audience. What blogger doesn’t want or need both?

3. You will create and solidify important relationships that will support your activities over the long run.

Do you think that Nina Amir is my new BFF after inviting me to contribute to her site? You bet she is!

We are now connected in a way that isn’t superficial. I will go out of my way to support her as much as I can as a way to repay her for the opportunity to share information with her followers.

4. Providing Information on your blog from other sources is a reader service.

You’re giving your blog subscribers and followers access to information and insights they might not get elsewhere. Isn’t that the point of your blog?

Any time you can draw in helpful information from other sources, you’re providing your readers and followers with a service. They appreciate that.

Be open to the potential of guest blogging. It could open doors that have been stuck shut; it could expand your reach in new and exciting ways.

And, to become the kind of guest blogger who gets invited back, be sure to download our free Guest Blogging Cheat Sheet. It’s your shortcut to success.

What other reasons to guest blog would you add to the list?

(Editor’s note: This article was first published in October 2012. It has been updated and expanded.)

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  1. Great post, Sandra. I’ve been blogging about writing and storytelling excellence since October 2009. Including guest posts and expert Q&A interviews are great ways to increase readership and build my own network. Thanks for taking the time to be featured on The Writing Well, and for the nice callout!

    1. I was honored to be asked, Anne, and appreciate the opportunity to provide information that might help your readers. And thanks for stopping by to comment! : )


    1. I hope you end up enjoying it, Kirk. Blogging makes sense for a number of reasons, but one of the biggest is that it generates the content that helps your site get found on Google & other searches.


  2. Sandra, I loved this post. I’ve been guest blogging for a year now and constantly updating my content to meet high-standard well known blogsters.

    Jon Morrow advised me to not to just submit to blogs in my and your field of book writing, self-publishing and book marketing, but to big blog sites that focus on personal growth, marketing, financial, writing, and other topics.

    One big blogger taught me hwo to write the perfect blog post. It includes an attention grabbing headine, followed by a key insight in first 3-4 sentences,big promise, soundbites quoting authorities, connecting emotionally and a buy or subscribe at the end.

    My surprise? nothing on including key words.

  3. Hi Sandra. I really like this blog! Your recommendations made sense. It helps a writer build her base as well as learn more about another person and area. Who knows? The experience could inspire another book in addition to fostering a personal connection with someone else. Judy-I like your formula summation, too, re writing an effective blog. Thanks to all.

  4. Couldn’t agree with you more. I love to guest blog because it puts me before other bloggers’ audiences that otherwise wouldn’t know about me and I see bumps in sales coincide with the publication of my guest blogs.

    Guest blogging also gives me a chance to recycle my message and cater it to other audiences that I may target in future books, while providing valuable content for the host blogger.

    It’s a win-win!

    1. You’re so right, Sonia! When I host guest bloggers who are authors, I use an Amazon Associates link for their book not for the pennies, but because it lets me track any sales. Their posts here always generate orders.



  5. I’ve been guest blogging for other sites and accepting guest blog posts at my site for many years. My best advice is to be prepared to reject a guest post that doesn’t meet your standards. Or work with the writer on ways to improve. My guest post guidelines state that if you don’t like to be edited, my blog probably isn’t the best home for your work. In some cases, I’ve spent hours with my writers showing them how to turn a good post into a great post. The result is always worth it.

    1. Excellent point, Joan. Thanks! I don’t like to reject content but if it can’t be salvaged, I have no choice. I suspect that you’re as careful as I am about screening guest bloggers, though, so that you receive something with value, even if it needs editing.

      I love when you comment here. Thanks!


      1. Yes, I screen them carefully and ask for three writing samples. Sometimes I say yes, then get a blog post that’s beyond salvaging and simply refuse to publish it. I suggest they peddle it elsewhere.

  6. Dear Sandra,
    Thank you so much for this post. That was a real in-depth analysis of the topic – guest blogging. I am starting my stint with guest blogging and I am excited after reading your blog.
    And thank u so so much for the cheat sheet. I just loved it.

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