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Become a paid media spokesperson

You can be paid to promote your book.

Yup. Consumer products companies often pay authors with specific expertise thousands of dollars to do media interviews as part of a publicity campaign for a specific product or brand.

For example, because I’m the author of WHY CAN’T A MAN BE MORE LIKE A WOMAN?, a book that takes a lighthearted look at male behavior, the Soap & Detergent Association hired me to represent its survey about who was doing the housework in American homes — men or women? — in media interviews.

Every time I did an interview — and every time a media outlet used my quote that was included in the SDA’s press release announcing the survey resuts — I was identified as the author of WHY CAN’T A MAN BE MORE LIKE A WOMAN?. That included mentions on the “CBS Early Show” and on New York One, on countless morning radio shows across the country, and in print outlets that included The New York Times and Marie Claire.

And I was paid for all of it. It doesn’t get much better than that.

Spokespersons Plus is the go-to source

This and several other paid media spokesperson opportunities came to me through Deborah Durham at Spokespersons Plus, a company that links consumer products companies with experts who can represent their products in specific publicity campaigns. Many of the experts in her database are authors because a book is an instant credential.

Knowing what a valuable resource Spokespersons Plus is to authors with the right expertise, I collaborated with her on an audio training program, “Get Paid to Promote Your Book or Blog: How to Become a Freelance Media Spokesperson.” It’s 75 minutes of incredibly useful, “here’s what you need to know” information that could substantially increase your income in the coming months and years.

Is this for you?

I’ve got a helpful article on how to become a paid media spokesperson on my “tips” page on this site, but I thought I’d share a little more information here that will help you decide if this is an opportunity for you or not. Consider this:

  • You need to be able to link your expertise to a company that provides a product or service to consumers. For example, I recommended my author friend Leslie Levine to Deb Durham when she was looking for the right person to work with a national real estate sales franchise company. Leslie’s first book was about how to settle into a new home after moving to a new community; she was the perfect fit!
  • It helps to have media experience. Authors who can provide video of TV interviews or newspaper or magazine clippings are in demand. You might be showcasing your personality in videos you create for your website, and that’s good, but it’s not the same as holding your own on a TV talk show.
  • You need the right personality for the job. It’s not enough to be a parenting expert when Pull-Ups is looking for somebody to offer potty training tips. You need Jen Singer’s sparkling personality and media savvy for that gig.

If you’re intrigued at all by this concept, I recommend that you listen to our training program. Deb is the pioneer in this field — she owns the market — so she knows more than anyone about what it takes, how to make it happen, and how to make money doing it.

What’s your question about what’s involved with being a media spokesperson? Maybe I can help.

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  1. I do not have the time to listen to long seminars. I am not inclined to buy products. Let’s cut to the chase, if you can get me a gig on TV I am willing to pay a commission for you as an agent. I understand 15% is customary.

    My background in as a veteran, and in international asset protection. My book is about the tea party movement.

    I am wide open for anything that fits. Yes, I have a video of me doing an adversarial interview with a little honey on MSNBC see my website & call me if you have a specific opportunity for me. Please, no invitations to telephone seminars & etc. I am really turned off by those.

  2. Dean, I’m not sure if by “gig on TV” you’re talking about being interviewed as a guest or getting a job as a host. If it’s the latter, you’ll need a talent agent (and this blog post isn’t about work that involves talent agents).

    If it’s the former, you need to hire/pay a publicist. Guests don’t get paid for media appearances/interviews, so there’s no commission involved for anyone.

    Good luck.


  3. Thanks for posting this, Sandra. I’m buying the mp3 of the teleseminar you’re recommending. I’ve had this in mind for quite a while, so you are prompting me to go for it. You always lead me in directions that I want to go, and I thank you.

    Joan Price

    Author of Naked at Our Age: Talking Out Loud about Senior Sex and Better Than I Ever Expected: Straight Talk about Sex After Sixty.

    1. I’m SO glad to hear that, Joan! I love Deb Durham — we are “friends in real life” — and I know you’ll learn from her. Good luck!


  4. Dear Sandra:
    I’ve been following you since before my book was published. Now that it is the feedback I’ve had from the readers is all positive. I’ve been on a radio show and it went great. I’m stuck on who to contact now because of the subject matter in my book. (It’s not graphic in anyway). It deals with molestation. My book in under the guise of fiction, but in truth is more like faction as some of the events are true. What avenues can I pursue, as it is all a very spritual read as well. It is called “A Fight for Innocence” and can be found on my site, Tate Publishing, Amazon and Barnes & Noble

    1. Noleen, please e-mail me at sbATbuildbookbuzz.com with questions. That will make it easier for me to direct you to resources.


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