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Learn how to write a press release that announces your book

I’m slowly announcing my new e-book, Get Your Book in the News: How to Write a Press Release That Announces Your Book. It’s a one-step-at-a-time process for me — rather than a big SHAZAM! launch — because that’s the way life is right now. But that’s OK.

Today’s step is sharing the news here — whoohoo! And because this new e-book teaches authors, publicists, and publishers a step-by-step process for writing that essential press release that announces a book, I’m announcing it here by sharing my book announcement press release! Makes sense, right?

Got questions about the book? Just send me a note. I’m really excited about it because I know how much it’s needed. Here’s my announcement press release — learn how to write one like this in Get Your Book in the News: How to Write a Press Release That Announces Your Book. (Note that I’ve added the images here to add some visual appeal, but they are not “embedded” in the press release that I’m distributing to the media. I’ve included links to them at the end instead.)



Contact: Sandra Beckwith, sb@buildbookbuzz.com, 585-377-2768

Detailed new guide helps authors announce their books

FAIRPORT, NY — June 26, 2012 — A new e-book by a veteran publicist and book marketing coach teaches authors how to create the all-important press release that announces their books.

Get Your Book in the News: How to Write a Press Release That Announces Your Book (http://bit.ly/M2d7M1) by Sandra Beckwith is the only resource that takes authors through the press release writing process step-by-step. Authors, book publicists, publishers, and others learn to create a document that contains the information journalists need and expect in the format they prefer.

Get Your Book in the News distills Beckwith’s 25+ years of experience into a handy guide that offers readers:

  • Nine ways to use an announcement press release to get publicity, attract book buyers to a website, or secure speaking engagements
  • A detailed, 13-step process for writing a book announcement press release and a companion a fill-in-the-blanks template
  • Specifics on who to send the press release to, when, how to send it, and how to follow up
  • A list of the most common press release mistakes and advice on how to avoid them
  • Formatting instructions
  • A press release makeover
  • Press release distribution service recommendations and other resources
  • A bonus section with 11 actual press releases used to announce fiction and nonfiction books in several genres

“A book announcement press release is probably the most essential and versatile book promotion tool because it can generate book reviews, news items, author interviews, blog columns, and speaking engagements,” says Beckwith, who has won several national publicity awards. “Done right, it creates impressive and long-lasting exposure. Done wrong, it ends up in an electronic trash can.”

Beckwith, a book marketing coach and former publicist, helps authors learn how to be their own book publicists. She teaches the popular “Book Publicity 101: How to Build Book Buzz” course online and publishes Build Book Buzz, a free e-newsletter available at https://buildbookbuzz.com. She is also the author of three nonfiction books, including two on publicity topics, and an author publicity workbook.

Get Your Book in the News: How to Write a Press Release That Announces Your Book is available as a PDF for $9 on the author’s website at http://bit.ly/M2d7M1. For more information, contact Beckwith at sb@buildbookbuzz.com.

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Book cover JPG: http://bit.ly/KXT2HG

Author photo JPG: http://bit.ly/KJ2rS6

Media review copy: sb@buildbookbuzz.com

Contact: Sandra Beckwith, sb@buildbookbuzz.com, 585-377-2768

Have you seen a great book announcement press release online? Include the URL in the comments and tell us why it works for you.

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  1. My comment has nothing to do with Press Releases, although I’m ordering the book from Amazon. From what I’ve read on your site, it is exactly the information I need.

    I am in the process of producing a Nature Book for Children. I’d like to know how the pictures are produced that show the books on Amazon or whatever selling site is used. Does the author have the picture made, or does Amazon do it when it is listed or ??? Sure would appreciate some information on this.

    1. Patricia, I’m not sure I understand what you’re referring to. Are you asking about the book cover on the book’s Amazon sales page?


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