Authors need daily book marketing advice
Every year at this time, I blog about the importance of goal-setting.
If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, you know that I meet with my goal buddy near the end of every year so we can celebrate (usually with cheesecake!) what we’ve accomplished, announce what we plan to accomplish, and discuss how we will reach our goals for the coming year.
My 2015 goal helps with your 2016 goals
I’m super pleased to announce that I’ve achieved one of my biggest goals for 2015: Creating a useful resource that will help you reach your book marketing goals in the coming year. The result is your new helper, 365 Daily Book Marketing Tips, which sends you one book marketing tip every day via email for one full year.
It’s that simple. Every day, you receive a tip that gives you ideas and information that you can act on immediately. And the price is so low — just 99 cents — that you can’t afford not to sign up to receive the tips now!
Email delivery eliminates any technology problems. We’ve even set this up as plain text messages — no bells and whistles  — to make sure that your daily tips stay out of spam folders or promotion tabs on Gmail. That’s the best way to make sure you get — and can use — every single tip.
You can get all the details at the product information page for 365 Daily Book Marketing Tips.
Sample tips you’ll receive
Curious about what information you’ll receive for less than a dollar?
Here are just a few of the 365 tips. Note that they’re short and to the point — and that many of them have links to more detailed information online.
- Re-evaluate the categories your book is listed in on Amazon periodically because they change. You might need or want to change one of yours.
- When sharing a link to your blog posts, use the specific post link, not a generic blog page link. You want, not
- Want a book club to read your book? Get it into libraries. Many club members are borrowers, so library borrowing is often a prerequisite for a club selection.
- When you find a website that reaches the same audience as yours, check the links on blog rolls, resources pages, etc., for more websites like it. Connect with the owners and comment on their blogs so you start building your network.
- When you are offering your book for free or for a sale price, check out the list of 100 websites that will let you list and promote your book.
- Discover what other books were purchased by people who bought your book with the cool Yasiv tool.
Every single daily tip gives you information you can act on immediately — and isn’t that what you need to market your book? Don’t you need lots of ideas and encouragement to take action?
Start receiving your daily tips on January 1
Because it’s so close to the end of the year, we’ve set this up so that the tips start getting delivered on January 1, 2016. There’s also an option for those who don’t want to wait until then — details for downloading all 365 daily tips plus 10 more tips right now are on the information page.
I know you’ll agree that the price — less than a dollar! — is more than fair. You will have me and all my years of experience looking over your shoulder, nudging you every day.
You owe it to yourself to get this daily help so that 2016 is the year that you sell more books.
Affordable gift idea
And what a great Christmas gift for you or an author friend, right? Nothing says “I care” more than a gift note saying you’ll start getting these action-generating tips at the start of the new year!
I’m really looking forward to coaching you by email every day in the coming year. If you think your author friends would also benefit from daily book marketing advice from a pro, please share this link with them.
To learn more or purchase, please visit the information page.
As always, if you have questions, just shoot me an email.
I’m looking forward to sending you a message every single day next year! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to provide this daily guidance.

Subscribe to the free Build Book Buzz newsletter and get the free special report, “Top 5 Free Book Promotion Resources,” immediately!
Fantastic tips and the bonus tips at the back of the PDF are pure gold!! Thank you Sandra for compiling such a useful resource.
Thanks so much, Kelly! That means SO much to me!
Hey, Sandy, my one and only true love of my life # 7—
You really tipped over the information-bucket with this one. It’s like giving the key to your information vault for less than ten bucks.
I have to admit that while I treasure your posts, there are days when I just don’t have time to read everything that comes into my inbox. I just sigh and delete them. When I come to your BuildBookBuzz I don’t delete, but skip over it to be read later. I know you always have good things to say and valuable information.
But this! Yeah, I can read a couple of sentences no matter how busy I am, then place the tip in my todo folder and/or a folder of your posts.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I love you.
Larry Winebrenner
You know I love ya, Larry! I am SO glad the information shared here is helpful. Thank you!
Sandra –
I’ve followed you for quite some time now…I’d like to thank you for your great tips.
I, too, help authors to market themselves and their books.
I’m starting a podcast, and would love to interview you as one of my first guests…
Thanks, Diane! I’d love to be your guest. Just send me an email.