Talking writing and books on the radio
You never know what might lead to your next opportunity.
In my case, it was a brief telephone interview with local author and radio talk show host Evan Dawson as I fact-checked a few details for a short piece I was writing for a regular magazine assignment. We also talked about his popular book, Summer in a Glass, for a few minutes after we took care of the details.
Later, when he was assembling a small panel for a one-hour conversation about book writing and publishing for his “Connections” show on the local NPR affliliate, WXXI-AM, he remembered our brief chat and invited me to be on the show.
I joined Gregory Gerard, author of In Jupiter’s Shadow and The Martini Chronicles, and Eric Wilder, author of I, Humpty, to talk about about how publishing has changed, how to make time to write, whether you can force creativity, and the importance of platform.

Listen to our relaxed but lively discussion about the industry and process on the Connections site.
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Hi Sandy,
Thanks for letting us know about this interview.
I enjoyed the different takes on writing and publishing, and your emphasis on the importance of “a platform” to successful marketing.
With traditional bookstores disappearing I’m always on the lookout for nontraditional venues for author appearances and book signings. I agree that indie authors are better at getting into nontraditional venues than traditional publishers.
I loved your example of a book on hairstyles of the ’80’s possibly finding success being marketed in a hairstyle salon where your target audience hangs out. In my region, authors stage events in coffee shops, outdoor gear and clothing stores, health food stores, banks, spas, travel-related stores, churches, and libraries. It could be fun to hold book signings in specialty restaurants with themes such as Titanic, pet owners, etc.
How about a Connecticut restaurant that gives away a book with every meal They give away books from free sources, but an enterprising indie author may discover that donating books to this restaurant may be just the thing to create buzz.
Thank you for taking the time to listen, Flora. I hadn’t met the other authors before and didn’t know their “stories,” so I really enjoyed hearing from them. I love the idea of getting books into retail outlets that aren’t known for selling books, so I’m glad to hear that the venues in your region are open to that idea. There’s hope! Thanks for that restaurant link — how fun is that?!
I love writing nowadays. I make it a habit to get information out. I use radio, ebooks, and podcasting to share. Thanks for this article.
Thanks, Kevin. I also like how it’s so much easier to get the word out now. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!